Motion Marinade

In 2012 I began seriously getting into digital photography and would take 20 to 30 photos to get the shot I wanted . Nothing like when I first started with a film camera and every photo was a different shot. Is because I have become lazy or a perfectionist the reality is I don’t delete photos and have thousands of photos on sd cards and hardrives which are organised in dates which had become forgotten.

In 2018 when I was going through the photos and saw the slight movement between the photos ( I actually thought I’d discover motion pictures. Lol) I decided to join them altogether to make little slideshows.Whether it was nostalgia of looking at my children when they were younger and reliving the times I bribed them to be in my crazy photos it gave me the motivation to organise and make more videos and Motion Marinade the project began. I compiled the photos and added spoken word and music.I have since become obsessed with creating these videos that are a cross between a stop motion Slideshow Or a pixilation which I have most recently been informed of while doing an animation course. From stop motion to time lapse I have attempted them anything that is essentially a photograph with motion

Below is a Selection of my fist moving images I created more can be found at

The Birds, Are Coming
Child of the Universe

The Ocean

A Clearing in The Forest

Sail Away with Me